My youngest has never been good at bedtime. Before I get into that, here's a little side story. He's our last child, and from the second I found out I was pregnant I wanted to absorb every moment of it. To store everything in memory because I'd never be doing it again. Once he was born, I wanted to stop time and cherish every thing he did. I know that every mom wants this. But with my first two kids, I don't remember a whole lot. My postpartum depression was so bad I've pretty much blocked out nearly 3 years of my life. I remember things, but in that foggy way you remember a dream a day later. So, it was super important that I kept myself mentally healthy and wouldn't spend my life wishing I hadn't been depressed through another childs infancy/toddler years. Back to my youngest...To make a VERY LONG story short, I knew from early on that I wanted to co sleep and nurse and Ain't no one gonna stop me! So we did, for much too long. He was nearly 1 ...